Women in Leadership

Embracing Work-Life Harmony: Strategies for Busy Women

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the perfect balance between work and personal life can seem impossible. This blog post challenges that notion, introducing the idea of embracing life’s unpredictability as an opportunity for growth and fulfillment. Learn how making deliberate, exciting choices—like saying “no” to overtime for once—can transform your daily grind into a more enjoyable journey. Discover actionable tips and strategies to make your life vibrant, balanced, and truly your own.

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Succeed in 2024: Start with Just 51% Confidence

As 2024 approaches, it’s time for dreamers and doers alike to embrace a new success model: starting with just 51% confidence. This approach isn’t about full certainty; it’s about enough belief to take the first step.
At the core is the ‘1% Thought’ – a single insight that propels you from hesitation to action. My journey, from leaving a stable corporate job to become a life coach, was fueled by such a thought, proving that a little confidence can lead to significant change.
As we step into 2024, find your ‘1% Thought’. Let it guide you to start, grow, and succeed. Remember, half the confidence can open a whole world of possibilities.

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75 Hard Done: Now Facing the Dip and Moving Forward

In my recent blog post, “75 Hard Done: Now Facing the Dip and Moving Forward,” I explore the realities that hit after completing a major challenge like the 75 Hard. It’s a deep dive into the ‘dip’ – that period of adjustment where old habits might resurface and the clear structure of a challenge is missed. This post is my personal account of navigating these tricky waters, learning to understand my reactions, and using them as stepping stones for continued growth. For those ready to create their own path of transformation, I invite you to join me and start by crafting your own 2024 Success Manifesto: Create Your Success Manifesto. Let’s move forward together into a year of growth and achievement!

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My Diet Transformation: From Scientist to Life Coach

In my latest blog post, “My Diet Transformation: From Scientist to Life Coach,” I delve into how my diet during the 75 Hard Challenge was a pivotal part of my transition from a corporate career in the food industry to becoming a life coach. I share why saying no to snacks, sugar, and bakery items was not just about health but a symbolic gesture of breaking away from my past. Discover how these dietary changes were a manifest declaration of my commitment to a new entrepreneurial life. Join me in exploring how every food choice was a step towards my future self, and learn how you too can build a personal manifesto for success in 2024.

👉 Read more and create your own Success Manifesto for 2024: Create Your 2024 Success Manifesto

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Navigating the Waves of Doubt: My Journey Through the 75 Hard Challenge

In this journey of transformation, I faced moments of self-doubt, challenged my habits, and discovered my inner strength. The 75 Hard Challenge was more than physical endurance; it was about mental and emotional resilience. It symbolized breaking free from my corporate identity and embracing a new entrepreneurial path. My key advice for those starting this journey? Find your compelling ‘big why’ to guide you through.

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75 Hard Challenge: Breaking Up with Corporate for Transformation

From corporate security to life coaching passion, the '75 Hard' challenge marks the journey of breaking up with the old to embrace the new. Join me in this transformation.

In my personal journey, I’m reflecting on completing the “75 Hard” challenge—a demanding task I took on while making the life-altering decision to leave my 18-year corporate job. This challenge was more than just about physical fitness and discipline; it became a transformative milestone in my breakup with the corporate world, preparing my mindset for a new chapter. My unwavering belief in my passion for life coaching and my profound commitment to personal growth shines through in this inspirational narrative.

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Taking Flight

Often women covered their desires to serve others’ needs. And when others are their own family, it is tough to build boundaries between what is an excuse and what is not. As if we add we can’t because I am busy with my children, it is not an excuse. It is mom’s job, right? My […]

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Which Culture Do You Prefer: Fitting-In or Belonging?

Lately, I have been listening to a lot of Brene Brown’s podcasts regarding “Daring Leadership.” One of the key attributes of Daring Leadership is the idea of cultivating a belonging culture, as opposed to a fitting-in culture.   I have been reflecting a lot about the idea of a fitting-in culture vs a belonging culture within […]

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Stop and Reflect

I got a notification from my WordPress saying my next bill is due next month. I was like, what? I just made the payment! What are you talking about? Then I looked into the details…and yes, the last payment was in October 2019. Also, the last post was December 2019! Seriously?? Where did the time […]

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They persisted and so should you!

I am a truly believer that the next generations need to continue to evolve and be more mature and aware for the gender equality. Recognize it is a fact, is the first step, and even if we live in a world that is much better than our mothers and grandmothers lived, still we need to […]

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